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Logan High School

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

Courses & Schedule

Courses and Schedule Change Requests

Schedules are available on Aspire (student or parent accounts). If you would like to request a change or you see a problem with your schedule, before school starts or during the first three days of either semester, please use the following form to submit a request to your student's counselor. Counselors will be working on requests submitted on the webform, as quickly as they can, and they will contact you if there are follow-up questions to be resolved with your request. The counseling center will not be open for walk-ins for schedule changes (your counselor may suggest a face-to-face appointment if it is needed).

  • Semester 1 schedule change window is August 12-23.  
  • Semester 2 schedule change window is January 9-15.  

After the first three days of either semester, students may not request schedule changes. If there are concerns with a course or with placement, students should first address those concerns with the teacher, who may make recommendations to ensure success and proper placement.

To request a change: CLICK HERE FOR CHANGE FORM
To see the spreadsheet of courses available: CLICK HERE FOR COURSES AVAILABLE

2023-2025 Course Catalog

2024-2025 Course Selection

9th Grade Courses

10th Grade Courses

11th Grade Courses

12th Grade Courses